Atlantic International University – 2019 Conferences

Atlantic International University Graduation Ceremony is a big event that does not just happen on the day of graduation, for the last couple of years we have been hosting global symposiums with our graduates to discuss global topics and solutions planned by our graduates, we discover our growth together and how they are becoming ambassadors of education with their AIU degree. They all have been representing AIU’s core values. We would love for you to listen to what they have to say and motivate you to become a great Atlantic International University story. Please enjoy our section of Atlantic International Univesity Conferences. We encourage you to check back as we will be updating with more events soon.

Human Rights in your Life to take Action with AIU Pledge
Atlantic International University

Lecture given by Ricardo Gonzalez. with students graduated from AIU on October 17, to raise awareness of their Human Rights and their application in daily life as well as knowing how to determine their validity and promotion in our communities.

¿cómo tomas acción? con tus Derechos Humanos.

Conferencia Impartida por el Dr Ricardo Gonzalez M. con alumnos graduados de AIU el pasado 17 de Octubre, para generar conciencia de sus Derechos Humanos y su aplicación en la vida diaria determinando su validez y promoción en nuestras comunidades .

Proving to be Unique and unrepeatable

Students gather during this symposium to see all the paradigms broken while they were completing their AIU program. This conference took place in March 2019 with Atlantic International University Alumni

¿Qué tan único e irrepetible realmente eres?

Conferencia donde se hace retrospectiva de lo que nos hace unicos e irrepetibles para conquistar y lograr nuestras metas. Graduados de AIU se reunen para ver como al completar su programa han roto paradigmas que jamas se imaginaron.